I’m Happy To Welcome My Good Friend And A “Fabulous Poetess”, Bonnie Gail Carter!

Hello Friends, Readers, and Welcome New Visitors,


Many of you know that when I ‘Guest Spotlight’ a new author, I try not to be so ‘stuffy’ of how and what I write about my guests. I think it sets me apart from other book promoters and book bloggers. To have a little fun when introducing one of my friends. Now I’m not saying I’ll give them a ‘literary roast’ or anything, just share some tid bits of what they do, and about their published works.
So please meet, Bonnie Gail Carter, Poet. and her book of poetry has just released on Amazon’s Create Space titled,  The Chill Turned Warm”

My Book is Available at Createspace Now!

Bonnie and I met through one of my gazillion social media sites I’m on, and she was quite the persistent bunny of wanting me to help promote her new book edition of poetry. But what sets Bonnie apart from many fine poets is that she shares much of her ‘lived life’ and challenges within her poems. We are ‘Kindred Spirits’ in that aspect. She to lives with mental/emotional daily challenges like myself, and like me, I enjoy writing and helping others through it, and she does the same, but with her fantastic poetry.
We talk by phone often, and becoming very good friends. She’s just a sweet gal who lives in Indiana, writes poems, loves taking photographs, and she has been through so much trauma in her life, but you’d never know because she holds no grudges of her up bringing. She and her siblings were abandoned, shuffled to orphanages and foster homes, and her taking care of her siblings at a very young age. Yes, hers is a heart breaking story. Instead of being a victim, she funneled all that into her poetry. So let me share a little about Bonnie and her new book of poetry, and share a poem that is one of here favorites!

About The Author:

BONNIE GAIL CARTER has used her roller coaster ride of living to help inspire and give to others hope so that they, too, can overcome the hardships, obstacles, and trials they endure. The Chill Turned Warm is Carter’s first collection of poetry, but her work has been featured in Jonathon Rutger’s online magazine and the Poetic Bond. Additionally, Carter is a candidate to appear on Covington’s Who’s Who list of 2014.

About The Book:

How many of you can say you’ve met the devil? I can, and I wrote a poem about it. How many of you can say you hear voices? I can, and I wrote a poem about it. How many of you have run around with a motorcycle gang of Harley riders? I did, and I happen to wrote a poem about …
How many of you lived in an orphanage where they split you and your siblings up into different wings? I did, and I wrote a poem about it. How many of you lived in foster homes? I did, and I wrote a poem about it. How many of you have been raped? I was, and I wrote a poem about that, too. How many of you love God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit more than anything else? I do, and I wrote a poem about that. There are poems about love and love lost in “The Chill Turned Warm”. There is something for everyone to identify with in this collection. Bonnie …

Bonnie Gail Carter
Poet, Bonnie Gail Carter

Message From Bonnie:
Ever since I was a teenager I had always wanted to write a book of poems.
It’s only now taken me sixty years, as I turned 60 this year, so better late than never!
“The Chill Turned Warm” is not only the title of my collection of poems,
but it is my favorite poems in this book. This poem has evolved over a 30 year period
to make it what it is today. It’s title is “Sunsets” …

Sunsets, by: Bonnie Gail Carter

Sunsets have such brilliant hues.

What a wonderful sky canvas to view.
It makes me think of you.
Can we make it through the various sunsets
and all of life’s difficult tests?
It just makes me ponder upon what’s next.
Can this wonderful really last?
Soon the present will be out past.
Our memories will have gone by so fast.
I want to slow down the sunsets frame by frame.
Never do I want them all to be the same.
There will be some days filled with rain.
Hopefully they’ll be filled with more sunshine
and the various flavors of wine.
Like the sunsets I pray we’ll last for all of time …

Bonnie Gail Carter 



GEDC0867   GEDC0605  ~  by Bonnie Gail Carter

Bonnie also enjoys photography. Here are a just a few of her beautiful photo’s above and many more on her Flickr page at: http://flickr.com/photos/78115910@N03/
Here book can be purchased on Create Space: https://www.createspace.com/5083547
And soon on Amazon Kindle Store.
And you can also find her on YouTube helping her partner in crime, Donnie Townsend promote his music on YouTube here:

Come connect with Bonnie on her other social media sites, she is all over the web! LOL.
Her blog:  http://www.bonniecarter.wordpress.com/
On Facebook: Author Bonnie Gail Carter
On LinkedIn:  http://www.linkedin.com/pub/bonnie-gail-carter/28/a2/34
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/bonniegcarter/bonnie-gail-carter-photography/
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/BonnieGailCarter/

I hope you enjoyed meeting, Poet, Bonnie Gail Carter, and purchase a copy of her new book of poems. I can tell you she has endured, and has overcome more than one person should have to in one lifetime. I know that’s what makes her such a strong woman, and a caring person. She truly is an Inspiration

God Bless All,
Author, Catherine Townsend-Lyon

The Chill Turned Warm



6 thoughts on “I’m Happy To Welcome My Good Friend And A “Fabulous Poetess”, Bonnie Gail Carter!

  1. Catherine thank you for your warm and gracious manner with the written word to introduce me to your followers. I’m a fabulous Poetess now. I love that. You are so kind. I’m so happy we met through the net because now I can say that you are my dear friend. We are kindred spirits destined to meet.

    I’d like to share a KJV Bible verse with you. I hope you don’t mind. It’s John 16.33
    “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. but take heart! I have overcome the world…”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes you have my friend. We both have. Now we can turn that around and give some Hope to others who also have suffered and can Overcome! XO

      Catherine 🙂


    • It was my pleasure Bonnie. I know many will enjoy your poems as much as I am reading them. It’s a wonderful message to help others know we can overcome much in life through various artistic outlets, you with your poems, and myself through my book.
      These are awesome ways to be of service to others, to give them a voice and platform to be heard. It’s what I encourage her on BOTH my blogs here on WordPress …

      God Bless Bonnie,
      Catherine 🙂 🙂 XO


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