Cat Is Now Featured on All-Author! An In-Depth Interview About Being An Author, Writer, Recovery Expert, & A Book Marketing Guru. . .

Catherine Townsend-Lyon is an influential writer known for her gripping memoir, “Addicted To Dimes,” and her contributions to the recovery compilation book “Ten The Hard Way: Real Voices of Recovery.” A dynamic speaker, she shares her story through various platforms, including radio shows, podcasts, and speaking engagements. Catherine currently resides in Glendale/Phoenix, Arizona.

** Interview With Catherine Townsend-Lyon – May 2024 Courtesy of All Author **

Can you share a bit about your early childhood and how your love for storytelling began?

I was born an East Coast baby in New Jersey and lived there until my parents moved us to the West Coast of Southern California. I grew up in Highland/Redlands, CA., at seven. As I grew up, I lived and worked in the banking field. At age twenty-five, I moved to Southern Oregon to live a slower lifestyle. As a teenager, I spent time in my room and liked writing, thinking I was writing poems or song lyrics.

Of course, that was all in my head! LOL.

My childhood was a little rough as I continue to be a survivor of trauma and sexual abuse as a little girl. Writing and journaling were one way for me not to think about what had happened to me that became part of the trauma I felt years later.

You have been featured in various media outlets and publications. What impact does such visibility have on the conversation surrounding addiction?

Yes, I contributed to several addiction/recovery publications through the years after my memoir/book, published in the late fall of 2012. I have been a featured guest on many radio and podcast appearances.
It is a powerful way to start the conversation about recovery from gambling addiction and begin to raise more awareness about this growing disease.

I look at it in this way: ANY addiction is a disease, be it gambling, drugs, alcohol, etc., that is only the “preference” of what we choose to partake. Mine happened to be gambling, and I became addicted to it the more I gambled. Doing so also helps to shatter the stigma around addiction and recovery.

How do you maintain your recovery lifestyle, and what advice do you have for others struggling with addiction?

I have maintained my recovery from addicted gambling for about 17 years now. Doing so comes naturally at this point in my recovery journey. Much of my advocacy work is to support others who are first entering recovery, even as I share my advocacy work and blog about my recovery journey, which means doing something every day to support my recovery.

What advice would I give to those who may have a gambling problem? First, acknowledging that gambling is interfering with your life is a big step forward. Know there is help available for you. You don’t need to suffer in silence because you are not alone when it comes to problem gambling. Second, they need to reach out for help. I advise “The National Council on Problem Gambling: Helpline Home – National Council on Problem Gambling …

They offer a 24/7 Hotline at 1-800-GAMBLER, which can provide you with the necessary information in your area or state to get help. Over the years, I have worked with and written articles for them.

Can you share a bit about your journey with gambling addiction and how it led to your advocacy work?

My journey began when I tried to commit suicide in 2002 because my gambling addiction got that “BAD.” Thankfully, GOD had a higher calling and purpose for my life. After my release from the hospital, my husband arranged a 30-day stay in an addiction/behavioral center. Ironically, it was paid for by the Oregon State-sponsored gambling treatment program.

I also began attending recovery group meetings and loads of therapy. I was blessed to have my husband’s support, which was essential and half the battle of becoming “bet-free.” I began to learn why I was gambling in the first place. Learning the underlying issues and roots of why I was using it to “escape and numb out” the pain and hurt of the sexual abuse and trauma I went through as a little girl.

During the worst of my addiction, I was gambling money I didn’t have and gambled away paychecks and rent money, and the financial chaos was never-ending. I was gambling several times a day or would drive 40 miles to an Indian Casino and spend hours and hours there gambling. It was an insane 10 to 14 years of pure hell and insanity with addicted gambling. My gratitude today now comes from my recovery and living a healthy life.

What inspired you to write “Addicted To Dimes” and “Ten The Hard Way: Real Voices of Recovery”?

Again, I was blessed to have the help of an exceptional editor and friend who took my journaling and writings from seven notebooks and formed them into a manuscript for “Addicted to Dimes.” She helped me walk the fine line of making my memoirs not sound like I was blaming others or things around my addiction.

See, “Addicted to Dimes” is NOT a book on “How to Recover,” it is about times in my past that were not dealt with or processed in a healthy way that added fuel to my addiction. It is about learning the underlying issues to begin to heal as I maintain the early stages of my recovery journey.

What do you hope readers take away from your memoir and your contributions to “Ten The Hard Way”?

Our book “Ten The Hard Way” came later. It is an anthology I worked on with my dear friend and fellow author Kevin Coughlin, and it came years later. We invited several of our friends to share their stories of recovery in hopes that it may inspire those who may have any addiction to reach out for help and HOPE. Each person’s story carries many powerful messages.

You’ve been actively involved in raising awareness about gambling addiction. What are some common misconceptions about this issue that you aim to dispel?

First and foremost is to dispel “Stigma.” Stigma is the number one reason many will not reach out for help from gambling addiction, so many continue to suffer in silence with a gambling problem. Some of the facts, statistics, and misconceptions about problem gambling are staggering. Like, 1 in 5 persons may try suicide from addiction to gambling like I had.

Currently, 2.9% of our population are already problem gamblers, and gambling addiction is now the #1 addiction with the highest suicide rate than any other addiction. It is staggering to me, and I aim to help change this statistic by advocating loud and proud.

What challenges did you face while writing about your experiences, and how did you overcome them?

Writing and journaling for over a year in those notebooks helped me to learn and begin to heal from my past trauma. It was a very emotional journey. I shared an earlier answer that it was different from a traditional manuscript. It took me about a year or so of writing and journaling after a few years into my recovery journey.

Thanks to my dear friend Julie Hall, who transformed it into a book manuscript. We worked together as she edited. Then, my friend and fellow author Steve Laible, who does publishing and owns TKG Publishing, pushed me to publish “Addicted to Dimes” as he believed it would help many who may be suffering in silence with problem gambling.

So he published it on my 50th birthday in 2012. It was a great birthday gift and a legacy of all my advocacy work to leave for others.

As a dynamic speaker, what key messages do you try to convey when sharing your story through various platforms?

My main goals and messages are to share hope with others who may be looking to get help for their gambling problem and share that they are not alone. To not let stigma or what others may say that they have a gambling problem. Even though society sees gambling as “fun and a few hours of entertainment,” there are many who can and do not become addicted to it.

What role do you believe storytelling plays in advocacy work, particularly in the realm of addiction and recovery?

I know sharing one’s story of recovery from gambling addiction, or any other addiction, is a powerful way to reach people. Sharing real and raw recovery and personal experiences is just as important as may be the “medical or clinical” side. It needs to be accepted as a genuine mental, emotional, and medical disease and not just as an addiction.

The habits and negative behaviors we learn and use as survival deep in our addiction need to be changed and replaced with healthy ones. Learn to make better and healthier choices when we enter recovery. So, sharing my real personal experiences and the stories of our journey are ways to shatter the stigma.

Could you discuss some of the resources and support systems you recommend for individuals seeking help for gambling addiction?

Again, I would first recommend others with a gambling problem to visit “The National Council on Problem Gambling” and call the 24/7 Hotline to seek help. Another is Gambler’s Anonymous: U.S. Meetings | Gamblers Anonymous for help and group meetings nationally and internationally. One other is my friends at the “Stop Predatory Gambling” website: Home, a non-profit organization working hard on legislation changes in Washington, DC., on many topics related to problem gambling.

How do you balance the vulnerability of sharing personal experiences with the responsibility of advocating for change and raising awareness?

At this point in my recovery and where I am in my life, I have no vulnerabilities in sharing where I have been with an addicted gambling problem. Part of recovery is knowing “we are not defined by our past” and making peace with it. We learn to take all accountability and ownership of the past.

In doing so, we can move forward in our life journey while being better stewards by helping and caring for others along the way.

What motivates you to continue your advocacy work, even after maintaining your recovery for over 17 years?

What motivates me and is my passion is helping others avoid the cunning and devastating effects of addictive gambling. I look forward to living in the “NOW” and am always excited about the future. However, I will continue to advocate for and mentor those who reach out to me for help and hope. One of the first steps I took when beginning my recovery was coming to terms with the fact that it would be a lifelong process. I am okay with that.

My advocacy work has opened many doors in other areas of my life, including my career and business as a self-employed book marketing consultant.

Another passion from the blessings of my recovery is helping authors learn how to market and promote their new books. I have been doing so for over 11 years and love it! It started when some recovery friends and supporters asked for help marketing their recovery books. I did so, as it came naturally to me. So, I built and began my “at-home business” of Lyon Literary Marketing and Consulting.

How long have you been associated with AllAuthor?

I was lucky to learn about All Author in 2018 and become a pro member. I was so impressed with all the tools and the pricing for becoming a Pro Author that I began sharing my incredible experiences using your services. Your services do help teach authors how to promote their new books.

How has your experience been?

Being a pro member gives you access to all the exceptional services and helps you save money on outsourcing those tasks elsewhere. The utility tools, automated tweets, and book teaser banners are just a few of the many features that can help authors streamline their work and promote their books effectively. I now incorporate your services as a recommended must-have for the authors I work with!


(Photos: Speaking at The State Capitol of Arizona for a Recover Out Loud Event in April 2019, 2021 Podcast Interview on Knockin’ Doorz Down!)

Let’s Connect on Social Media!

Happening At Cat’s Book Library, Our Authors Are Celebrating Mother’s Day With Readers Through Book and Kindle Sales and FREE Kindle Days. . .

Welcome, Readers, Friends, and Visitors! Cat is excited you are here.

Are you a mom?
If you’re a mom, you’ve come to the right place to find specials on books and Kindles!

Our award-winning authors are celebrating Mother’s Day with many ‘Catastic Books to Read’ that you can enjoy while you rest and relax. Treat yourself and have a relaxing time this Mother’s Day!

The Cat will list them below with book banners for each book, and the author is offering free Kindles, paperbacks, or Kindle special pricing for moms everywhere and for your reading pleasure. HERE WE GO! ~ CAT 😸📚💐🎈🎉


New Kindle Book Series – By Cynthia Ulmer – Award-Winning Writer
“Beyond Cedar Cove” Book 2 on Pre-Order Release Sale!

About The Two Book Series:

Cynthia Ulmer brings readers forward from her first book series, ‘The Cedar Cove Chronicles,’ which follows the Jansan family from the 1940s. It begins with Todd. Todd, a ten-year-old, and his family live on a tobacco farm in the small, rural community of Cedar Cove, North Carolina. Their closest neighbor is a cruel man who punishes his children by holding them over a well, threatening to drop them to their deaths. When this neighbor becomes more involved in their lives, the Jansans face things they never could have imagined.

In “The Cedar Cove Chronicles,” book one, Todd welcomes you into his family. You will travel back in time to the days of farm life, strong family ties, and one man’s unyielding cruelty, among other stories in books one through six. , , ,

Cynthia Ulmer presents her new book series, ‘Beyond Cedar Cove.‘ Be prepared to be captivated as the Jansan family and its new members and characters are tested with many unexpected twists and turns in the present day. Will the town of Cedar Cove find the strength to overcome the challenges that threaten to tear them apart, or will they succumb to the weight of their secrets? Read both to find out!


Gripping award-winning novels – “A Clara & Iris Mystery Series” – By Kim Carter
‘Sweet Dreams, Baby Belle’ Kindle Free! . . .

From Author Kim Carter:

Let’s Celebrate Mother’s Day with Clara and Iris!
I am offering moms everywhere a chance to read all three Kindle books in the mystery series at “Yard Sale Bargain Prices!

First, book one, titled “Sweet Dreams, Baby Belle,” Kindle will be FREE from May 9th through May 13th, 2024, from Amazon!

Book two, titled “Murder Among The Tombstones,” is now only .99 Cents on Amazon.
AND? Book three, my brand new release, “The Root Of All Evil,” is only 2.99 on Amazon.
Spend some time with Clara and Iris over Mother’s Day and enjoy some relaxing reading time.

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! ~Kim Carter 💐📚🎉


A romantic suspense historical fiction offered by multi-award-winning novelist A. Gavazzoni.

From Novelist Adriana Gavazzoni – Kindles on Sale

Acclaimed novelist Adriana Gavazzoni is excited to announce her latest novel series, “Where The Road Goes.” Books one and two are now available on Amazon Kindle for just $1.99 each through Mother’s Day. Don’t miss this chance to dive into a captivating story that will leave you wanting more.>>

About the series: “Ninon is a survivor. Alone in the world, she works as an exotic dancer in a French cabaret called Le Passioné, where she moves her hips to put food on her plate until a new and dangerous opportunity is presented to her. Although Ninon has lost faith in love and God, life will show her surprises can be found around every corner.

France, the United States, Spain, Austria, and Argentina present the backdrops for an epic tale of people trying to adapt to a world in turmoil—one that’s filled with secrets and surprises…

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! ~A Gavazzoni 📚💐🎉


PenCraft Award-Winner! Novelist Pavane Ravel Free Kindle Days! Readers will highly enjoy Book Two of The Other Shoes of Larry Martin, a novel series with more political intrigue, family drama, and suspense. Another Best-Seller by Author Pavane Ravel!

From Ms. Pavane Ravel:

“Pavane, an award-winning writer, honors moms everywhere with free Kindle days to celebrate
Mother’s Day with “The Other Shoes of Larry Martin,” book two”…

Do you enjoy reading realistic drama with romance, suspense, and social issues woven through intense fiction? You will want to download your copy to read! Free Kindle days begin May 9th and through May 12th, 2024, on Amazon, with book one Kindle for only .99 cents!

About Book 2: Larry Martin’s journey continues in The Other Shoes of Larry Martin. Follow his rise in progressive journalism amidst a backdrop of betrayal and danger. From homelessness to success, Larry Martin’s story will captivate readers! “

My way of celebrating with moms everywhere! ~Pavane Ravel 📚💐🎉


Best-selling author Anthony Weathers Offers FREE Kindle Days: “Brace yourself for a captivating generational odyssey where a single event has the power to reshape destinies!”

From The Author:

Prepare to be captivated by this generational saga and gripping story, ‘Why Ruin Another Life,” where the consequences of one black woman’s choice reverberate through time. It is a poignant reminder of the ripple effects of abuse never spoken about to anyone…

To honor moms and celebrate Mother’s Day, the Kindle will be FREE from May 10th to May 13th, 2024!

About ‘Why Ruin Another Life:

Witness the gripping narrative unfolds as an unsuspecting Black woman ignites a chain reaction of profound consequences, forever altering the lives of her daughter, granddaughter, and all those caught in the tempestuous whirlwind. Prepare to be swept away by the thunderstorm of repercussions that echoes through generations, teaching valuable yet painfully expensive lessons along the way. . .

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! ~Anthony Weathers 📚💐🎉


Award-winning author Debra Morgan Offers her books and Kindles for special pricing!

From Debra Morgan:

“In honor of all moms everywhere, I am now offering my two new Kindle books and softcovers on sale from Amazon through Mother’s Day. Both have been awarded 5-star editorial book reviews from Reader’s Favorite and Reader Views!

They make a great gift for moms who have #chronic illness and chronic pain as I do. I share many personal experiences, advice, and tips that have helped me live a better life daily!

Happy Mother’s Day and Spring Reading! ~Debra Morgan 📚🎉💐💐

New Updates and News By Author Anthony Weathers. He Is An Exceptional Storyteller…

His book has now been relaunched and has now been awarded a 5-star Reader’s Favorite Editorial Book Review! It is available in paperback, kindle book, audiobook, and hardcover from Amazon!

Happy Monday, Eclipse Re-Blogg and Share of Updates From Our Award-Winning Author Elizabeth Upton. She Is Everywhere!

All Her Books Are Available From Amazon
In Paperback, Kindles, Audio Books, and
Within Kindle Unlimited

Lyon Literary Marketing & Cats Book Library Welcomes Our Newest Author, Anthony Weathers, and His Book Release, “Why Ruin Another Life” For Readers To Enjoy. . .

Step into the haunting world of Why Ruin Another Life, a riveting tale that transports you to 1950s black Mississippi. Brace yourself for a captivating generational odyssey when a single event has the power to reshape destinies.

~Author Anthony Weathers


Author Anthony Weathers introduces his new book “Why Ruin Another Life,” a compelling exploration of a tumultuous period in American history.

Set in Mississippi during the 1950s, the novel delves into themes of domestic abuse and violence, shedding light on the social taboos and inequalities of the time. By adapting a screenplay he wrote years ago into this captivating story, Weathers showcases his talents as an author and a storyteller. The book is available on Amazon, and its feature on popular literary sites and publications indicates a growing interest and recognition in Weathers’s work.

With its historical backdrop, he explores sensitive yet significant issues in “Why Ruin Another Life” and promises a thought-provoking and immersive reading experience. It has the potential to resonate with a wide audience and spark meaningful conversations about the past and its relevance to the present.

His personal experiences and heritage deeply influence his storytelling. Michael Anthony Weathers has written numerous articles that have appeared in many publications. He draws from his background as an actor, singer, and dancer in the entertainment industry and his Southern roots, which were passed down from his parents’ migration.

The author brings a rich tapestry of experiences to his writing. The author weaves elements of truth from his own life and family’s southern history into his stories, creating a unique narrative grounded in authenticity. This blend of Anthony’s personal life experiences and inherited tales lends his work an extraordinary flavor.

It gives readers a glimpse into his life journey and the broader cultural landscape that has shaped him. The author resides in the Harlem area of New York.

More About The Book and Review

Why Ruin Another Life
General Nonfiction – African American Heritage – Historical
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C3WM2ZS5 – Releasing Soon
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Self-Published Anthony Weathers Author (April 27, 2023)
Publication date ‏ : ‎ April 27, 2023 – 182 Pages
Audible AudiobookPaperback

Step into the haunting world of Why Ruin Another Life, a riveting tale that transports you to 1950s black Mississippi. Brace yourself for a captivating generational odyssey when a single event has the power to reshape destinies.

Witness the gripping narrative unfold as an unsuspecting Black woman ignites a chain reaction of profound consequences, forever altering the lives of her daughter, granddaughter, and all those caught in the tempestuous whirlwind.

Prepare to be swept away by the thunderstorm of repercussions that echoes through generations, teaching valuable yet painfully expensive lessons along the way.



Reviewed in the United States on February 2, 2024
5 stars A Compelling historical fiction.

“The book is a powerful and emotional read that draws the reader into the characters’ struggles and hopes. The author does a great job of creating realistic and complex characters that are easy to relate to and care about. The book also tackles the sensitive topic of generational dysfunction, which society often ignores or misunderstands.

The book shows how trauma can be passed down from parents to children and how it can impact their mental health, relationships, and self-esteem. The author also offers a message of hope and redemption as the characters learn to overcome their past and find their own happiness.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical fiction, family drama, and social issues. The book is well-written, engaging, and thought-provoking. It is a read that will stay with you long after you finish reading it.

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